Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Our Hearts Our Hopes Our Aims are ONE
posted by shibin at 8:41 PM
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Band Chalet.
oooh.. first time i had so many photos in front of the camera! how exciting.. hurhur



Moo Moo and Dom!



the indian. seems like my camera cant really focus on black spots =/
And last but not least,

posted by shibin at 2:45 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006
what a waste of time.
posted by shibin at 3:03 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
Our Core.

many people often say that, in times of peril, you'll see who our true friends are. under circumstances, you'll see what's their core self, beyond that hypocritical masquerade of righteousness, of what you expect of a friend.
and then, many a times you find yourself in that position, of being that hypocrite.
and also, you might just be living a life behind a mask. maybe not all your life, but after losing that youthful innocence and ignorance. you do what you perceive as "cool" or even what you think will make people around you happy, or maybe even, because you don't want your friends to know to true you.
And like the flower, you live so long under that mask, that you begin to lose your core self. you neglect it so much, your inner core begin to wilt, and soon enough, you will turn into that mask of yours. every passing minute, your life becomes one big stage, and you act your life away, unknowningly.
But when you're alone, when you self-reflect, your core self awakens, and you realise, "hey, why the fuck do i behave this way? Why am i not myself?"
But too late, when you try to become your true self, people just think you're behaving weirdly, and then you think, "i shouldn't be getting them worried or anything", and you put your mask back on, and everything's back to square one.
posted by shibin at 7:09 AM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
posted by shibin at 6:00 AM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Grand Vitara
my dad finally sold off the Vitara we had for the past 4 and a half years today. i dun think we'll be
buying another car soon to replace it. we still have the Ford Focus anyways.
manage to take a last commemoration photo just as it was in the hands of the dealers that are gonna to export the car to some other country.
posted by shibin at 2:24 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
today was this day, i broke my golf virginity. For the first time in my life, i picked up a golf club, and TRIED to golf.
It was kinda another 1SA5 class outing again with the boys only with marcus, hoong khit, kenneth, yi chun, bryan,
theodore and myself. So.. we went to some 'jiat-jiat' driving range at Eng Neo to golf.
well hoong khit and kenneth started first and started to "show off" their golf skills. Felt quite intimidating at first cuz i've never played golf before, sure malu myself damn bad. haha. Hoong Khit's in the school's golf team, and his handicap is only 2. well i dun know wad that really means but according to kenneth that's like really really pro level already. haha.
I finally plucked enough courage to try to golf. i stepped up to the tee ( i think that's what it's called) and placed a ball in front of me. first half an hr... i was hitting nth but air.... and occasionally the ball but it only flew a little.
Hoong Khit and Kenneth tried to teach me how to play, and thank god they did, i finally could hit some balls pretty alright. Here are some shots of them playing. mainly shots of Yi Chun, Kenneth and Hoong Khit as they're the ones that could really play well. haha

Yi Chun

Hoong Khit, damn fierce ah...


hoong khit.

Yi Chun. the hamster.
The journey home was the worse. we had no transportation back, so we had to walk all the way out of the ulu driving range, to hoong khit's house, to bukit timah rd to take a bus back. Probably walked about 2-3km. Kenneth had to carry his golf bag, Yi Chun was worse. He was carrying his golf bag and also his
dad's D200 camera. oh i managed to influence Yi Chun to take up photog for a hobby. and he didn't manage to get me to WoW with him. haha i win. Luckily hoong khit's dad helped kenneth and yichun with their golf bags about half way thru the walk.
posted by shibin at 1:00 AM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

posted by shibin at 6:27 AM
Monday, November 06, 2006
posted by shibin at 12:23 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

kelly came over today to do pw. was a long time since he did, well we did have fun just like the old times =D, im lazy to write, so just refer to his blog here. And SA5 has caught the Rakion craze! bryan decided that we shld be IT game geeks that sold our soul to the PC kind of pple to take a photo IN THE GAME! here it is!

No kenneth koh nor marcus though.. they were bz =/ but we'll surely take another with everyone again!
Acc4r4cy is Hoong Khit
ipawnu is Yi Chun
shibbypusssy is me
dalailampa is bryan
mighty89 is RV boy Jian Rong!
Oh and a new class photo webbie is set up at
if you have any SA5 photos do tell me! i could upload it for you or i'll tell you the password and you can do it yourself!
posted by shibin at 2:46 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sydney Opera House
in HDR

in LDR

well sydney is a beautiful place.. i mean.. check out those clouds!hahah
posted by shibin at 5:57 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006

yes i would like to thank kelly lim tian cai for being my personal assistant! photog soc for their almost rottening tripod! my mom and dad for giving birth to me! my sch ACJC for putting the very unphotogenic lamp post in the way nearly block the ACJC logo, the aunties and uncles who clean up the pool! the yong tau foo store for it's delicious CURRY Yong Tau Foo to keep my mind going!
but NO THANKS to Singapore and Indonesia! for the stupid haze! for NO clouds!(clouds makes HDR images more IMPRESSIVE and thus, more PRO hahaha)
anyways, this was taken for my Project Work which is such a total waste of time! even teachers complain!

the guys in my class were playing frisbee in the field, so decided to shoot them a little also. well must thank them for agreeing to pose for me. haha as usual, bryan did the job "professionally" haha..
posted by shibin at 9:23 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

when you're alone, do you talk to yourself? who's there to keep you company? God?
many a times we find ourselves lost in our own thoughts when we're alone, we imagine things that we want, things that might not exist. Some people just want a friend to accompany them, loneliness is such a painful emotion that we always endure every now and then.
posted by shibin at 12:53 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006

why can women shop the entire day, walking non-stop without getting tired?
posted by shibin at 8:39 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
im really a sucker at doing these stuff =/
posted by shibin at 11:53 PM
just a couple of cuts, bruises and more cuts. of course then again, there's the sunburnt skin. But these are things i wouldn't mind getting just for the sake of winning a Floorball match, or a soccer match, or any other matches. I mean, it's fun right, and you know you've tried. that's one of the best feeling on earth.
Well. AC games was really quite fun, unexpectedly. However, for those that do not like sports, im sure you'll think it's a total waste of time. Before AC games, i already had plans of ponning the second day and going home as soon as possible. However, i decided to stay for awhile and like, just try to find stuff to do. i wasn't even planning on playing anything. Well there were Floorball(actually it's kinda just hockey), captain's ball, basketball, soccer, twister and waterbomb.
I had totally no idea and absolutely never expected 1SA5 to do so well in the games. Good job guys, im totally not a class person but im actually saying this. we actually came in 2nd overall, which is pretty darn good! we got into finals for Basketball and Captain's ball, and semi-finals for floorball!
At the beginning, we thought we were just playing for fun, well, at least for floorball. Me, Bryan, Theodore and Kenneth just went into the match smiling and laughing, we weren't even serious. we just got 2 other girls, Genevieve and Audrey while we were walking there, saw them on the track and we needed two more girls, so just asked them to come. haha we were just having fun during the match like anyhow screaming stupid stuff like "MANGO FORMATION!" and " DURIAN FORMATION" and bla bla. we weren't even planning to win, but just to have loads of fun, stephen gong was my opponent, so was ritik. It was fun playing with stephen. haven really talked to him in ages. we were like best friends in p6 along with bennett. those days that we'd go watch movies and after movies, arcade. just have loads of fun. haha. Those were the days eh.
I also must thank the girls. Sorry that we(the guys) kinda treated you girls quite harshly, telling you girls off for "not being a good sport" or wadsoever other reasons i rather not state here. but i know that you girls came down today specially so that the guys can play as we needed two girls in the team for all the matches. I know that you pple wanted to pon sch on the second day and do stuff together like ice-skating etc. I really appreciate you girls for sparing a thought for us guys. Thanks =D
well. everyone tried real hard for this AC games. I must say that it really did kinda bonded the class a little. I mean this is like the first time im actually talking to JiaHao and appreciating him. He's really damn funny and cool. His captain ball captain catching techniques were pretty cool. and he was GODLIKE in basketball. Everytime somebody wants to score he'll just REJECT. SLAM THE BALL AWAY. hahah cool stuff, and real entertaining to watch.
Also, Andrew was like HERO man. He's just so freakking good at every freakking sport. in fact, i dun have to write about him at all. EVERYONE knows he's just too freakking good la hahahah.
JianRong. RV bastard. hahahaha but this two days, he suddenly not RV bastard already leh.. hahahaha become like superpro basketballer already. hahah dun worry jian rong, you dun need to quit your basketball team already.haha
Kenneth. ahhh you fucking pro at blasting the hockey ball eh.. hahaha nice one lah.. help us win so many matches!
Marcus. Thanks for helping out for the floorball match for our second match! without you we could never have won, you scoring the first goal! It was an AWESOME shot. YOU DA MAN!
Hwee Hao. YES, the final man for the ultimate three-man formation for the captain ball's attack team. you make the guys move at godlike speed man. before i can even say WHAT THE FUCK, you guys score already. WOW.
Theodore. excellent soccer player. SUPERB defender for floorball! exactly what a goalie would hope for! thanks man, you saved me from much more scars and scratches on my arms and legs! haha
Hoong Khit. wahlao. world class golfer siah. also not bad in hockey. can push people arnd. damn shiok to watch you play! hahaha
Devin: unfortunately din play much. if we play water polo ah... sure win liao. soccer was short lived. but you played real well. without you, confirm lose like siao one. really solid defender.
and last but not least, BRYAN
Pretty boy of all ages. excellent in seducing girls with his charming personality and dashing good looks. well known for nearly snatching other boys girlfriends when they're not looking hahaha. Well known also for posing there and looking good. But the pass two days, basketball especially, gave his all. all image and everything else thrown aside! IM SERIOUS! look at THIS!

Hardcore eh. whenever i look at this pic, i can feel the determination! the willpower! the Strength! the energy! the DIE-DIE MUST WIN attitude! wow. RESPECT man. so did everyone else display this attitude and sportmanship during the games. really proud of you guys!
GO SA5! (if im still in it next year =/..hur hur)
posted by shibin at 11:43 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
nightride 4.
the past two days have been REALLY REALLY boring. You know.. you might think that it's fun to
have finish all your exams. especially before everyone else. it's soooo not true. The past two days of
my life have been the MOST EXCRUCIATINGLY boring days of my life. there's just no one to go
out with, not one to talk to online, suddenly all the stuff you found fun doing before exams isn't fun
anymore. I just feel too lazy to do anything at all already.
also, the haze condition here in singapore is getting really really bad. it's just like winter time in
other countries where there's alot of mist that you cant see far. but here it's like... HOT, and the haze
makes it HOTTER! then there's the fact that you know that you're constantly breathing in BAD AIR
24/7 makes it's even scarier. It's crazy man.. talk about negative externalities..... damn
Indonesia. well i saw on the news they say that the indonesian gahmen say the haze will clear by next
week... well it better! i just went outside for like 5 mins and i start coughing already... well, also by the
fact that you know that it's hazy makes you want to cough.
anyways, i got my new bike already and my dad is furious. he thinks spending $600 on a bike is
like a BIG thing. so he's quite pissed about it. He said, " why you buy so many expensive thing, you should be working first then you buy all these things."
i was like, "erm... dad, if im working i wouldn't buy a bicycle, i would be buying a car. And secondly, i do work, i worked in the Computer shows selling laptops ( which i did in september) and that's how i got the money to buy the bike."
then he was like, " fine im going to cut your pocket money since you think you're already working."
omg, that's how stupid he can be sometimes. sigh, signs of getting old. Grumpiness.
anyways, went to ride at night with ken again tonight with my new bike. it looks kinda weird now cuz it's like black and red... RED PARTS.. even the tyres=/ yuck, cant wait to raise some money to get new tires and some spray pain to spray all the parts to an eye-pleasing colour. anyways it's like really really light, i could carry it up the stairs with one hand. woo hoo.
we went to check out the curve wall at yusof ishak secondary sch there, well it was a pretty decent place. i noted that the wallride place was FULL of symmetries, thus i decided to use it to my advantage. while i was setting up my equipment, ken tried wall riding. after like 10 mins, he suddenly said, GONE. i was like HUH??!?!?!?!.. then i realised that he actually burst his tyre. damn, so we pushed our bikes all the way home and fixed the tyre. it was like the first time he burst his tyre in this whole year, and he kinda had quite a hard time taking out the tyre and changing the tubing as his tyre was like a special type of tyre with an extremely hard bottom lining.. i guess it is to prevent spoiling the tubing easily. sometimes you see the tyre shop uncle changing the tyre so fast, wonder how they do it.... this process took us about 45 mins.
we were determine to "conquer" the wallride place so we went all the way back to the HDB beside yusof ishak sec sch. Ken made a mental note not to wallride too early this time and burst his only tubing left. we got quite a few shots before we saw a police van and car driving by real slowly. the Van stopped and as i was near the curve wall i quickly hide behind it and pretended to take photos of the translucent bricks of the walls.
the police van went to a parking lot to part and ken was saying, " damn damn damn damn damn.. wah lao, wad a bad day.."
we waiting and waited. then we realised that the police were not coming for us, they actually were off
shift already and actually stayed at the HDB. we breathed a sigh of relief and quickly packed our stuff
and left. phew.
after that was us heading to bukit batok central for some refreshing ICE LYCHEE! yum!
here are some shots for the day! erm, i mean night!
posted by shibin at 3:45 AM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
2 down! 3 to go!
yes! GP and econs are over! the true battle begins soon! PHYSICS! omg..
after that... FREEDOM!
haha woooo...
and YES there'll be more nightrides to come! im getting my new bike on tuesday! it's gonna weigh
the same as ken's bike! no more him making fun of me by carrying his bike up stairs and stuff -_-!
anyways, been busy, so no photos. just sit back and relax.
here's the song of the week, i'll try to have one every sunday!
baby, it's cold outside By Steve tyrell & Jane Monheit.
it's a remake of a really nice song with very smooth melody and a light background. the blending of their voices
is amazing and it's really really soothing. so if you're feeling stressed up or anything, i reccommend
you to hear this song! I've heard the renditions done by Ella Flitzgerald and Nina Simone with Ray Charles,
i still like Steve and Jane the most, Ella's version is a little faster and Nina & Ray's version is really really slow. I didn't really liked Nina's voice here, didn't suit the song i guess. i still prefer her in Ne Me Quitte Pas and Mood Indigo. haha taste and preferances, but it's still a great song.
my interpretation of this song is about this guy and a girl together in a cold winter night. the girl's at the guy's home and she has to go home soon. the guy keeps coming up with excuses to ask the girl to stay, saying the weather's bad and it's cold outside and the girl gives excuses to leave, however, unwillingly. The song ended with them both singing "baby, it's cold outside" which let me to conclude that the girl stayed. But that's beside the point. This song really paints a romantic picture. imagine warm fireplace, cosy couch, dim lights. You cant bear leaving your loved one, but you have to. that feeling i know, just sucks.
And PLEASE, buy their albums if you like their songs
Artist:Steve Tyrell
Album: Standard Time
posted by shibin at 10:06 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
nightride 3.
today me and ken decided to go makan again at arnd 12. when we reach our newfound prata shop,
we found it it was CLOSED. like WTH it's supposed to be 24hrs la! then later we realised, there's a small cardboard sign inside saying it closes at 12 midnight. like wth lah. Anyways, we settled our supper at 7-11 just beside the prata shop and then we rode to bukit panjang. actually Ken just wanted to check out the malaysian railway tracks but in the end we could not find a way inside. by the time we gave up, we were already so close to bukit panjang that we decided to ride on. We reached this block just beside Bukit Panjang plaza and ken decided to try this spot. it was just a semi circle open area and there was this semi circle platform he was trying to manual across. i took my camera out and realised that I LEFT MY MEMORY CARD IN THE CARD READER STILL ON THE COMPUTER! holy shit. luckily, the previous previous previous previous night i somehow dumped a spare memory card into my camera bag. anyways, after that scare i saw a signboard that says no skating. we started remembering our skating past together and thinking about how gay we were last time to skate. we used to go to GO SPORTS to skate and bukit batok HDB void deck and places, watch
skate videos, admire the likes of Bam Margera and Paul Rodriguez and Eric Koston, looking for cool and cooler skate shoes, condemning OSIRIS and
support Nike SB and Lakai and Adio and ES.. bla bla bla you get the idea. skating is gay. hell gay!
well i have some low quality pics taking with my handphone camera last time about half a year or more after we quit skateboarding. we just took our boards and see if we could Ollie still. Ken can still do his stuff( yea he was fucking pro last time). Ollie Nollie Kickflip bla bla. He didn't try the rails though, he could crooked grind, overcrook,
boardslide, frontside boardslide, smith grind, bla bla bla... here are some of the photos anyways taken last time last year.

(my ollies after quitting. not very consistant, but still quite high eh..)

(Kickflips, these were HELL NOT CONSISTENT... tried many many times..)

(ken ollieing over his bike from inside his house. damn he's still consistent. did it on 2nd try)
anyways, we paid our homage today towards skateboarding.

(ken was delighted he could ride at that area while skaters cant)

(hey! Skaters are COOL man!......... NOT!)
after that we straight away left this area and we rode on. we past the bukit panjang bus interchange, and i decided to go in... after midnight, Bukit panjang bus interchange has NO buses parked there at. so ken and
I decide to go act gay and take a photo. hur hur...

(wtf happen to the buses!? why only 2 ugly bikes here?!?!?!)
when we left, my bike gears started to feel really really cranky. i ignored and cycled on. We went past the LRT and ken wanted to go to the other side of the station to check out if there were any interesting things there. when i followed, the sound got worst! Finally i lost drive on my bike! i looked down and i found my ENTIRE freewheel at the back broken! there! my faithful painfully eyesoring green bike lie limp.

(broken freewheel. that shimano gear thing was supposed to be attached to the frame)
boy. after 7 years. oh boy. it has served me well and got me well... envious stares from my friends last time when i was P4 and only 140cm. you know last time when you were young..
the bigger your bike and more suspension it has, the better and COOLER you are! i was dishearten and concluded that as the distance was too far, we had to take a cab back. =( waste
money again =( i decided to take at least one last productive shot before heading home so i told
ken to do something. Ken's still in his Flaty mood and he wanted to try out bunnyhop to flaty, something he never tried before. He managed to pull it off after trying for about 5 mins! hurray! clap hands clap hands! here's the pic of it! enjoy!

posted by shibin at 4:18 AM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Damn. 4 more days.
suddenly.. im feeling the heat of the exams. i want to study. i NEED to study. but i cant concentrate for fuck's sake. argh.
anyways. cant update much. i have something interesting to share. i was lying on my bed, and i realised that my light cover has kinda melted/dissolved. the heat emitted from the power source was much too great for the light cover to handle. anyways, a picture says a thousand words.. rather than explaining, here's the pic! enjoy!
posted by shibin at 11:31 PM
Nightride 2Today me and Ken went out to ride once again.. with two purpose. Check out the Hillview Haunted house AND to eat ROTI PRATA. I realised that there was a prata shop really near my house at Hillview near QianQi's house. (YAY! no more GOMBAKS) but you have to cycle up this darn hill. After eating roti prata we headed straight for the haunted house. It was on the way.. helll we dun even know if it's the correct "haunted House"...... haha anyways we found a really really dilapidated house right at the TOP of the hill... yea we cycled up after straight after the roti prata. my bike's having some stupid problem... when i put too much force on it it'd change gears.. weird stuff... i stopped halfway up the hill and felt stitches ( cuz of the dang pratas...) and ken the "macho" man continued cycling. The haunted house was like so far up this final hill and it was so steep even ken couldn't pedal anymore. haha. anyways when we reached the house was SOOOO DARK we couldn't even see anithing! here are some pics. i tried my best! really!

This is the gate to the "haunted house". really spooky.. it's all locked up and the fence has outward pointing spikes to prevent pple from climbing over. not only that, there is military barbed wire of top of the spikes. It's crazy defence man! It's just so rottened up and you cant see any more then 10 metres thru the gate. It's total darkness inside.

(told you i really tried!)
I tried to use a 30 second long exposure (handheld, didn't bring my tripod. But i had the liberty of resting the camera on the gate) not only that, it is on maximum light sensitivity of ISO3200. and still you can see that it's still total darkness inside. you cant see anything at all. So after awhile, i gave up. Ken was already impatient and was riding around in circles. haha.
we just went down the hill after that and as it was so steep it was REALLY FUN. the speed is astonishing i tell you.. even the brakes cant keep up. Ken was telling me that he was squeezing his brakes real real tight and his wheels were still spinning on. Those are high grade BMX brakes mind you. i felt like my bicycle's bearing was push over the limits and i could already hear the whining sound. lucky i had my front brake so braking wasn't much of a problem... i had to lightly tap it though, or i'd frontflip down the hill and that's the end of mr. loyshibin
we found a spot that was rather tough to ride at the bottom of the hill and while ken was trying it out i went to shoot a little more along the road. i received loads of weird stares from passerbys and even pple from the cars. so damn malu lah... but WTH. Here's the result of it.

Well heck. if I cant shoot haunted houses, i might as well shoot GHOST BUSES. Okay i basically did this shot by leaving my cam on the pavement. i was on the narrow road devider risking my life damnit... i used rear sync flash and set my shutter to bulb mode. when the bus was coming i depressed the shutter button and when it was nearing, i released the button and the rear sync flash would fire too. After this the bus slowed down and the bus uncle was staring at me from hell la... i was so damn paiseh lah.. but wth. i dun know him and he dun know me. so that's fine i guess. hahaha
posted by shibin at 1:26 AM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
my goodness! exams are in 5 days time! and im not even half prepared! i just cant find myself to sit on the chair and concentrate. end up going back to my room and turned on pandora to find new music to listen to. i kinda dig Klement Julienne's Panamerican album. kinda catchy rhythms and it really makes you swing.
ah well.. i saw my dad clearing the wall at the back of my house which is filled with grass. (its a clipwall.. or smth like that). it's ridiculously messy now. that wall is 3 storeys high and my dad has to climb up with a ladder with no safety gear.. it can get really freakky up there, one of the reasons why i dun wanna stay in this house in the future...

(well not my actual house but it's close.. dun want any stalkers! hur hur....)
well here's a pic of my dad working at the back.

(sure looks like hard work!)
My dad always wear that stupid looking national day cap when clearing the grass/weeds/plants on the wall and his old long sleeve t shirts that he will throw after getting the job done. I will never wanna do this shitty chore of clearing the grass/weeds/plants. it's so dirty and filthy up there with loads of insects and bugs. yuck.
i prefer to stay in a nice small condo with all the facilities i can use just footsteps away. People cleaning up my mess and no stupid chores like clearing the clipwall and mowing the lawn...... maybe i should just make sure i marry a wife who are able to whip up great tasting food for me, and wun complain doing all the chores. ahh wishful thinking again...
posted by shibin at 6:50 PM
nightride 1
ken and I went out to eat and ride a little and i decided to bring my cam along as i haven shot much these days as exams are nearing. We found a spot that seemed rather "rideable" just as we were reaching the prata shop at Bukit Gombak (ALIF prata shop). we decided to stop for awhile
and check it out. This will be the first of the many nightrides to come.
today was different from the past days as ratboy showed up halfway while we were shooting a little for fun, trying to find more angles for the upcoming holidays when we can ride till REAL late and SHOOT much more. well when ratboy showed up, he did barspins and flatys. As ken wasn't really serious into riding today, more of finding spots to ride next time, he was just wearing shorts so he couldn't really ride much. Ken still did an awesome job of matching up to ratboy who was wearing jeans and just came from riding earlier on.
here are some pics:

(Ken doing a Flaty off a ramp at Bukit Gombak MRT)

(ratboy doing barspins off the same ramp above)
posted by shibin at 2:14 AM