today was this day, i broke my golf virginity. For the first time in my life, i picked up a golf club, and TRIED to golf.
It was kinda another 1SA5 class outing again with the boys only with marcus, hoong khit, kenneth, yi chun, bryan,
theodore and myself. So.. we went to some 'jiat-jiat' driving range at Eng Neo to golf.
well hoong khit and kenneth started first and started to "show off" their golf skills. Felt quite intimidating at first cuz i've never played golf before, sure malu myself damn bad. haha. Hoong Khit's in the school's golf team, and his handicap is only 2. well i dun know wad that really means but according to kenneth that's like really really pro level already. haha.
I finally plucked enough courage to try to golf. i stepped up to the tee ( i think that's what it's called) and placed a ball in front of me. first half an hr... i was hitting nth but air.... and occasionally the ball but it only flew a little.
Hoong Khit and Kenneth tried to teach me how to play, and thank god they did, i finally could hit some balls pretty alright. Here are some shots of them playing. mainly shots of Yi Chun, Kenneth and Hoong Khit as they're the ones that could really play well. haha

Yi Chun

Hoong Khit, damn fierce ah...


hoong khit.

Yi Chun. the hamster.
The journey home was the worse. we had no transportation back, so we had to walk all the way out of the ulu driving range, to hoong khit's house, to bukit timah rd to take a bus back. Probably walked about 2-3km. Kenneth had to carry his golf bag, Yi Chun was worse. He was carrying his golf bag and also his
dad's D200 camera. oh i managed to influence Yi Chun to take up photog for a hobby. and he didn't manage to get me to WoW with him. haha i win. Luckily hoong khit's dad helped kenneth and yichun with their golf bags about half way thru the walk.

today was this day, i broke my golf virginity. For the first time in my life, i picked up a golf club, and TRIED to golf.
It was kinda another 1SA5 class outing again with the boys only with marcus, hoong khit, kenneth, yi chun, bryan,
theodore and myself. So.. we went to some 'jiat-jiat' driving range at Eng Neo to golf.
well hoong khit and kenneth started first and started to "show off" their golf skills. Felt quite intimidating at first cuz i've never played golf before, sure malu myself damn bad. haha. Hoong Khit's in the school's golf team, and his handicap is only 2. well i dun know wad that really means but according to kenneth that's like really really pro level already. haha.
I finally plucked enough courage to try to golf. i stepped up to the tee ( i think that's what it's called) and placed a ball in front of me. first half an hr... i was hitting nth but air.... and occasionally the ball but it only flew a little.
Hoong Khit and Kenneth tried to teach me how to play, and thank god they did, i finally could hit some balls pretty alright. Here are some shots of them playing. mainly shots of Yi Chun, Kenneth and Hoong Khit as they're the ones that could really play well. haha

Yi Chun

Hoong Khit, damn fierce ah...


hoong khit.

Yi Chun. the hamster.
The journey home was the worse. we had no transportation back, so we had to walk all the way out of the ulu driving range, to hoong khit's house, to bukit timah rd to take a bus back. Probably walked about 2-3km. Kenneth had to carry his golf bag, Yi Chun was worse. He was carrying his golf bag and also his
dad's D200 camera. oh i managed to influence Yi Chun to take up photog for a hobby. and he didn't manage to get me to WoW with him. haha i win. Luckily hoong khit's dad helped kenneth and yichun with their golf bags about half way thru the walk.

posted by shibin at 1:00 AM
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