nightride 4.
the past two days have been REALLY REALLY boring. You know.. you might think that it's fun to
have finish all your exams. especially before everyone else. it's soooo not true. The past two days of
my life have been the MOST EXCRUCIATINGLY boring days of my life. there's just no one to go
out with, not one to talk to online, suddenly all the stuff you found fun doing before exams isn't fun
anymore. I just feel too lazy to do anything at all already.
also, the haze condition here in singapore is getting really really bad. it's just like winter time in
other countries where there's alot of mist that you cant see far. but here it's like... HOT, and the haze
makes it HOTTER! then there's the fact that you know that you're constantly breathing in BAD AIR
24/7 makes it's even scarier. It's crazy man.. talk about negative externalities..... damn
Indonesia. well i saw on the news they say that the indonesian gahmen say the haze will clear by next
week... well it better! i just went outside for like 5 mins and i start coughing already... well, also by the
fact that you know that it's hazy makes you want to cough.
anyways, i got my new bike already and my dad is furious. he thinks spending $600 on a bike is
like a BIG thing. so he's quite pissed about it. He said, " why you buy so many expensive thing, you should be working first then you buy all these things."
i was like, "erm... dad, if im working i wouldn't buy a bicycle, i would be buying a car. And secondly, i do work, i worked in the Computer shows selling laptops ( which i did in september) and that's how i got the money to buy the bike."
then he was like, " fine im going to cut your pocket money since you think you're already working."
omg, that's how stupid he can be sometimes. sigh, signs of getting old. Grumpiness.
anyways, went to ride at night with ken again tonight with my new bike. it looks kinda weird now cuz it's like black and red... RED PARTS.. even the tyres=/ yuck, cant wait to raise some money to get new tires and some spray pain to spray all the parts to an eye-pleasing colour. anyways it's like really really light, i could carry it up the stairs with one hand. woo hoo.
we went to check out the curve wall at yusof ishak secondary sch there, well it was a pretty decent place. i noted that the wallride place was FULL of symmetries, thus i decided to use it to my advantage. while i was setting up my equipment, ken tried wall riding. after like 10 mins, he suddenly said, GONE. i was like HUH??!?!?!?!.. then i realised that he actually burst his tyre. damn, so we pushed our bikes all the way home and fixed the tyre. it was like the first time he burst his tyre in this whole year, and he kinda had quite a hard time taking out the tyre and changing the tubing as his tyre was like a special type of tyre with an extremely hard bottom lining.. i guess it is to prevent spoiling the tubing easily. sometimes you see the tyre shop uncle changing the tyre so fast, wonder how they do it.... this process took us about 45 mins.
we were determine to "conquer" the wallride place so we went all the way back to the HDB beside yusof ishak sec sch. Ken made a mental note not to wallride too early this time and burst his only tubing left. we got quite a few shots before we saw a police van and car driving by real slowly. the Van stopped and as i was near the curve wall i quickly hide behind it and pretended to take photos of the translucent bricks of the walls.
the police van went to a parking lot to part and ken was saying, " damn damn damn damn damn.. wah lao, wad a bad day.."
we waiting and waited. then we realised that the police were not coming for us, they actually were off
shift already and actually stayed at the HDB. we breathed a sigh of relief and quickly packed our stuff
and left. phew.
after that was us heading to bukit batok central for some refreshing ICE LYCHEE! yum!
here are some shots for the day! erm, i mean night!



the past two days have been REALLY REALLY boring. You know.. you might think that it's fun to
have finish all your exams. especially before everyone else. it's soooo not true. The past two days of
my life have been the MOST EXCRUCIATINGLY boring days of my life. there's just no one to go
out with, not one to talk to online, suddenly all the stuff you found fun doing before exams isn't fun
anymore. I just feel too lazy to do anything at all already.
also, the haze condition here in singapore is getting really really bad. it's just like winter time in
other countries where there's alot of mist that you cant see far. but here it's like... HOT, and the haze
makes it HOTTER! then there's the fact that you know that you're constantly breathing in BAD AIR
24/7 makes it's even scarier. It's crazy man.. talk about negative externalities..... damn
Indonesia. well i saw on the news they say that the indonesian gahmen say the haze will clear by next
week... well it better! i just went outside for like 5 mins and i start coughing already... well, also by the
fact that you know that it's hazy makes you want to cough.
anyways, i got my new bike already and my dad is furious. he thinks spending $600 on a bike is
like a BIG thing. so he's quite pissed about it. He said, " why you buy so many expensive thing, you should be working first then you buy all these things."
i was like, "erm... dad, if im working i wouldn't buy a bicycle, i would be buying a car. And secondly, i do work, i worked in the Computer shows selling laptops ( which i did in september) and that's how i got the money to buy the bike."
then he was like, " fine im going to cut your pocket money since you think you're already working."
omg, that's how stupid he can be sometimes. sigh, signs of getting old. Grumpiness.
anyways, went to ride at night with ken again tonight with my new bike. it looks kinda weird now cuz it's like black and red... RED PARTS.. even the tyres=/ yuck, cant wait to raise some money to get new tires and some spray pain to spray all the parts to an eye-pleasing colour. anyways it's like really really light, i could carry it up the stairs with one hand. woo hoo.
we went to check out the curve wall at yusof ishak secondary sch there, well it was a pretty decent place. i noted that the wallride place was FULL of symmetries, thus i decided to use it to my advantage. while i was setting up my equipment, ken tried wall riding. after like 10 mins, he suddenly said, GONE. i was like HUH??!?!?!?!.. then i realised that he actually burst his tyre. damn, so we pushed our bikes all the way home and fixed the tyre. it was like the first time he burst his tyre in this whole year, and he kinda had quite a hard time taking out the tyre and changing the tubing as his tyre was like a special type of tyre with an extremely hard bottom lining.. i guess it is to prevent spoiling the tubing easily. sometimes you see the tyre shop uncle changing the tyre so fast, wonder how they do it.... this process took us about 45 mins.
we were determine to "conquer" the wallride place so we went all the way back to the HDB beside yusof ishak sec sch. Ken made a mental note not to wallride too early this time and burst his only tubing left. we got quite a few shots before we saw a police van and car driving by real slowly. the Van stopped and as i was near the curve wall i quickly hide behind it and pretended to take photos of the translucent bricks of the walls.
the police van went to a parking lot to part and ken was saying, " damn damn damn damn damn.. wah lao, wad a bad day.."
we waiting and waited. then we realised that the police were not coming for us, they actually were off
shift already and actually stayed at the HDB. we breathed a sigh of relief and quickly packed our stuff
and left. phew.
after that was us heading to bukit batok central for some refreshing ICE LYCHEE! yum!
here are some shots for the day! erm, i mean night!



posted by shibin at 3:45 AM
your dad shdnt make noise...cos you use it so often! haha unless he doesnt know you go..? :X
wey!!! spend $$$ again huh! no wonder dad so angry...
kristen: hahah YEAH I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!! he does know i go, i think he's just finding something to be not happy about=/
sis!: i spend my own money lor, also not his money... you shld see him at home! he's so weird nowadays!!
kareen: wah lao... why cannot acess your blog one.... anyways thanks for dropping by!
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